Trump has been trending all weekend. Each daily update is a mini-rah-rah session to give strength and hope to the dying masses. It is a very scary thing to see.
It’s obvious that anyone who cheers for him hasn’t stopped long enough to string his statements together to find a deeper meaning. They call the rest of us brainwashed sheeple, yet follow this man blindly down his personal rabbit hole, believing him when he says “It’s terrific, it’s the most terrific and tremendous as it’s ever been.” all while he contradicts himself (on average) every fifth statement.
The Canadian Prime Minister said the word ‘tremendous’ the other day and I wanted to cross my fingers in front of me and hiss. No matter how madly you dislike Trudeau, there is a certain level of pride in realizing that he isn’t Trump and you feel keenly disappointed that he used a ‘Trump word’
Hell, even when I was working on my novel yesterday, I started to type the word tremendous, and started backspacing before I’d made it half way through the word. I’ve grown to associate it that word so strongly with Trump that I feel ill using it myself. Which pisses me off, I used to like that word.
There is some scary shit out there and it amazes me how many people refuse to even err on the side of caution. If you have a cold or the flu, you stay away from others. Why is this any different?
Even if you think this is a conspiracy, or something blown to extremes by the media, does it not sink in that people are getting sick and dying.
Honestly, if a single conspiracy could be as far reaching (199 countries) and multi-leveled (gov’t, medical, grocery stores and your favourite bar), as this pandemic has become, we’re in a lot more trouble than just an uncontrollable illness.
All your temper tantrums and BS calling is going to do, is create the very dictator government that you are rallying against. People were asked to do the right thing and they refused. Now their individual rights are going to be squashed for the greater good. Just like your parent after asking you to play nicely with your sibling. Eventually, you’ll be sent to your room and grounded.
But unlike your parent, who wants you to grow into a strong, mature, intelligent adult, when you let the government invade your home, they won’t want to leave at the all clear. They’ll like their new found power and want to keep it.
So for fuck’s sake, stop making it easy for them.