Category Archives: Dating

This is supposed to impress?

The Cling-On

Move over Start Trek there’s a new alien in town – the Cling-on.

We’ve all met her (and him – guys you’re not off the hook on this one) Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Girls are Asshats Too, The Sad Sex Life of Single Sadie | Leave a comment

The Drooler

We’d already drifted from chat to making out. He turned out to be a wonderful kisser so I mentally checked off that item on my ‘BF-must-have’ list. (Do NOT judge me – we all have that list in our heads) Continue reading

Posted in Dating, The Sad Sex Life of Single Sadie | Leave a comment

Welcome to dating in the 21st century

My name is Sadie. I’ve been divorced for a while and decided it was time to start dating again. (well that and needing to shut my mother up. Seriously, it’s not my biological clock that’s ticking – it’s HERS).So being the dutiful daughter I am (and desperate for a different topic) I let the world know I was looking for a man. Bad Idea! Who knew my friends knew so little about me. Continue reading

Posted in Dating, The Sad Sex Life of Single Sadie | Leave a comment

sure…I believe you

So I’ve done a fair bit of internet dating. And while some of the guys have been wonderful, the vast majority have had asshole issues. There is just somethig about the anonymity of online that brings out the worst in people. Continue reading

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