Category Archives: Sheer Stupidity

HUH? They did what?

And The Stupidity Continues

I understand that there is a need to keep supplies moving and put food on people’s tables during this pandemic. I understand that an economic depression will be something that will affect those of us who survive not only this … Continue reading

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I’ve been busy, life has been good and I just haven’t had the irritation levels to post. Yeah, I’ve been very lucky for the past few years. But, all good things must come to an end and here we are. … Continue reading

Posted in In The News, Sheer Stupidity | Leave a comment

U.S. Infiltration is everywhere

I’ll repeat, we’re in Canada. It’s highly doubtful that in real life, the FBI would have a facility in the middle of a Canadian industrial park. Continue reading

Posted in At Work, Sheer Stupidity, Snarkicism Stuff | Leave a comment

Stanley Cup Riots

Stanley Cup, Game 7, Vancouver BC, Canucks lost big time. So what do the polite Canadians do? Well they riot of course. Seriously? WTF?? Here are my observations: Continue reading

Posted in Just Plain Rude, Sheer Stupidity | Leave a comment


I loved my Dad. He was one of the life-smartest men in the world. He could figure out the answer to any problem no matter what it was… well except for computers, but that’s a different story. Despite his intelligence, he seemed think he was invincable and flirted outrageously with diabetes. Continue reading

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maybe it should have been brain surgery

This seems to be a theme week here at Snarkicism. I have a really good mix of friends, some are old and fat, some are young and fat, some are old and skinny some are young and skinny, the rest of us fall somewhere in between. A few of us went out to an concert the other night and then afterwards went to get a drink. At the concert I had the misfortune to sit between two of my bigger friends. Continue reading

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healthy choices

So I was out with a friend of mine the other day to pick up some groceries. He’d just come back from the doctor’s office and he’d been told to limit his salt intake. The Doctor’s words sent him into a panic, he suddenly started looking at the salt content on food labels. Continue reading

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bosses in the kitchen cause accidents

I used to work at a cafe. It was great, the staff were friendly and our regulars were awesome. The owner was a wonderful guy who let us do our thing without micro-managing us. Unfortunately, for us anyway, it was going so well that he was able to sell the cafe for a tidy sum. The new owner was… well, let’s just say I’m not sure she’s ever been in a cafe before let alone have any idea how to run one. Continue reading

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walk sign is for pedestrians

Red means stop (or at least slow down and take a look) and the walk sign means that people are WALKING. Continue reading

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sure…I believe you

So I’ve done a fair bit of internet dating. And while some of the guys have been wonderful, the vast majority have had asshole issues. There is just somethig about the anonymity of online that brings out the worst in people. Continue reading

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