Category Archives: Just Plain Rude

Seriously, you didn’t just do that?!

Stanley Cup Riots

Stanley Cup, Game 7, Vancouver BC, Canucks lost big time. So what do the polite Canadians do? Well they riot of course. Seriously? WTF?? Here are my observations: Continue reading

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freedom of speech

I’ve run into a few of these people lately and I’m sure you have too. “I have the right to say whatever I want yada, yada, yada” Continue reading

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walk sign is for pedestrians

Red means stop (or at least slow down and take a look) and the walk sign means that people are WALKING. Continue reading

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umbrella etiquette

Umbrellas are dangerous weapons – please handle with care. Continue reading

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eyes wide shut

Eyes wide shut seems to be the way people walk these days. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the mall, on the street or on a trail in the park. People are freakin’ oblivious to others around them – and I’m not talking teenagers. Continue reading

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