Stanley Cup Riots

I’ve been away from Snarkicism for a while and was pondering what to do with this website. I thought I’d run out of snark… well apparently tonight has refueled me.

Stanley Cup, Game 7, Vancouver BC, Canucks lost big time.

So what do the polite Canadians do? Well they riot of course. Seriously? WTF??

Now before you say, you don’t know – you weren’t there… I was.

So here are my observations:

1) They need to legalize pot and outlaw alcohol. If the crowd had been smokin, there would have been no riot. If there ever was an argument to win me over, tonight was it.

2) People are seriously stupid. People were attempting to push their way through the shoulder to shoulder crowd (I was so close to the guy in front of my that I was boob-checking him all first period… ok he liked it but still). “We just want to get over to the curb so we can see better.” yeah and like there is a free curb over there because no one else thought of standing there.

The assholes forcing their way through the crowd were even worse. Although it was highly amusing when they got to where they were going and realized… hey there are people here too. No Shit Sherlock.

3) I love the VPD (Vancouver Police Department) I’ve been to the fan zone for almost every game in the finals. Their show of strength was reassuring and their presence kept the crowd reasonably well behaved… until game 7 when for some reason they pulled the screening stations and there was open liquor everywhere (teenagers guzzling from a 40 of vodka is not cool). I really hope they had a good reason. I’m pretty smart and damned if I can figure one out. I feel like the computer in War Games trying to find a best case scenario and failing. We left the fan zone at the end of the 2nd period. We could already hear breaking glass.

4) As I read the reports, (Vancouver made the NY Times before 9:30pm Pacific time) I want to remind folks that the idiots rioting and looting downtown are not the fans. The fans were the dejected folks, silently crammed into the skytrain when the third period ended. The morons you see on the news, and on facebook, and flickr and youtube have been waiting for this chance. None of them are hockey fans.

5) Oh yeah and looters – ‘smile’ your face is being plastered all over the internet… I hope you didn’t like your job. Remember that chickie who flashed her boobs got fired, what the hell do you think is going to happen to you?


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