Author Archives: Snarky

bosses in the kitchen cause accidents

I used to work at a cafe. It was great, the staff were friendly and our regulars were awesome. The owner was a wonderful guy who let us do our thing without micro-managing us. Unfortunately, for us anyway, it was going so well that he was able to sell the cafe for a tidy sum. The new owner was… well, let’s just say I’m not sure she’s ever been in a cafe before let alone have any idea how to run one. Continue reading

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let me pull your ear

Sometimes I have to wonder what people are thinking. I know we all want out 15 minutes of fame and some people truly deserve it. Regardless whether it’s a good thing or not, their level of creativity makes them at least somewhat ‘deserving’. Continue reading

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and sometimes it’s me

One of my biggest pet peeves on transit are those inconsiderate folks who sit on the outside of the seat making it nearly impossible for others to slide in to the empty place beside them. Continue reading

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walk sign is for pedestrians

Red means stop (or at least slow down and take a look) and the walk sign means that people are WALKING. Continue reading

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sure…I believe you

So I’ve done a fair bit of internet dating. And while some of the guys have been wonderful, the vast majority have had asshole issues. There is just somethig about the anonymity of online that brings out the worst in people. Continue reading

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female empowerment

Maybe I’m just cranky tonight but I kept running into the same couple as I was getting groceries. From overheard bits of their conversation it seemed like she was buying food to cook him a lovely meal. Continue reading

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at the swimming hole

Overheard while debating whether to brave the frigid waters of a glacial lake: Continue reading

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umbrella etiquette

Umbrellas are dangerous weapons – please handle with care. Continue reading

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eyes wide shut

Eyes wide shut seems to be the way people walk these days. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the mall, on the street or on a trail in the park. People are freakin’ oblivious to others around them – and I’m not talking teenagers. Continue reading

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