I’ve run into a few of these people lately and I’m sure you have too.
“I have the right to say whatever I want yada, yada, yada”
The funny thing is, the people who feel the need to defend their right to free speech never seem to say anything worth hearing. Those that do, rarely feel the need to defend their ability to speak because they are begged to continue. If anything need to request a break, to catch their breath.
Interesting eh?
So if any of the following situations apply to you, you might want to re-think your communication strategy (unless your goal is to be avoided and alone – then you’re on the right track)
1) Repeat conversations and confidences so people will pay attention to you when you’re not the centre of attention
2) You don’t care if no one else thinks it’s funny when you do
3) You think people are stupid for taking offence when you’re just trying to have a little bit of fun
4) You are shocked and horrified when people turn the tables and do the same to you… How DARE they
Seriously, that old adage about treat people as you want to be treated has never been truer.