bosses in the kitchen cause accidents

From the Audience:

I used to work at a cafe. It was fantastic, the staff were friendly and our regulars were awesome. The owner was a wonderful guy who let us do our thing without micro-managing us. Think of Cheers except with coffee.

Unfortunately, for us anyway, it was going so well that he was able to sell the cafe for a tidy sum. The new owner was… well, let’s just say I’m not sure she’s ever been in a cafe before let alone have any idea how to run one. In fact, I’m not sure she’s ever been in a kitchen.

Case in point. Instead starting her first day by watching to see how things were done. She jumped right in trying to help. This would have been great had she ever been in a kitchen before.

Halfway through the lunch rush she came over, grabbed me by the arm, to tell me what a great job I was doing (she must have read it somewhere that is it good to praise your employees). This would have been fine except at that moment, I was ladling hot soup into a to-go cup.

In hindsight, I wish my reflexes weren’t as fast. The scalding hot soup pouring over my arm would have been much less painful than having her underfoot for the rest of the shift.

Sheesh – common sense people!!

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