female empowerment

I dunno, maybe I’m just cranky tonight.

I kept running into the same couple as I was getting groceries. From overheard bits of their conversation it seemed like she was buying food to cook him a lovely meal.

They were a few lines over from me at check out and as she paid for the food, I heard her ask him where he was going?

I didn’t hear his response, but I did hear her say, “What about the food?”

This response I heard.

“I empower you to carry your own groceries.”


The clerk actually took a step back to get out of the way.

I’d be empowering him all right, Empowering him to sleep on the couch, empowering him to cook his own meal and empowering him to shove that delicious looking rump roast where the sun don’t shine.

Common Courtesy people!!

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